5 Ways to Keep your Heart healthy

5 ways to keep your heart healthy

Looking for 5 ways to keep your heart healthy?

We bring you some easy steps in the event of World Heart Day 2023 which will be crucial for your heart’s health and would prevent you from future risk of any cardiovascular diseases.

You will be completely shocked to know that according to a World Health Organization report ‘Cardiovascular Diseases’ are the main cause of death globally taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year.  It further accounts for 31% of the total deaths counted.

This is why keeping your heart healthy is so important as the heart pumps blood throughout the body keeping it active.  A healthy heart keeps your brain and body strong and active here are the 5 ways to keep your heart healthy that can help you to do that.

5 Ways to Keep your Heart Healthy!

World Health Organization in their article on ‘Cardiovascular Diseases’ has explicitly mentioned risk factors for an unhealthy heart consisting of an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use, and harmful use of alcohol.

You should check out the following 5 ways to keep your heart healthy that will support you in your journey of reducing the risk factors of heart disease.

1. Vegetables and Fruits Rich Diet

Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet, not only are vegetables and fruits low on calories but they also contain significant vitamins and minerals that you need in your daily life. They keep you full while ensuring that your caloric intake is fairly balanced. 

More than that they are full of antioxidants that remove free radicals from the blood and make sure no oxidation takes place protecting your body’s tissues and the heart.

2. Fibrous Intake for a Healthy Heart

You need to eat more fiber. You might know the main benefit of fiber, right? It helps with digestion while that is ‘true fiber’ which can also play a significant role in keeping your heart strong and healthy. 

‘Soluble fiber’ which you can get from food items such as berries, oats, nuts, and apples can aid in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood this decreases the stress on your heart and keeps it healthy. 

3. Shift to Low-Fat Dairy on this World Health Day 2023

Whole milk and other dairy products made from low-fat dairy are rich in saturated fats these fats line your arteries and block them.

You can counter that by adding low-fat dairy to your regular diets such as skimmed milk low-fat, cheeses, and greek yogurt.

4. Trans Fats are Crucial!

Not all fats are bad for your heart as unsaturated fats can help in improving your heart’s health.  You can get unsaturated fats from foods such as olives, avocados, peanut butter, and nuts.

One of the pivotal benefits of unsaturated fats is their help in lowering cholesterol. 

5. Too much Salt can be DANGEROUS

Sodium can play a major role in increasing blood pressure and can cause kidney problems.

Decreasing salt intake is one of the first steps advised for anyone with a heart condition. 

You can maintain your blood pressure by reducing your salt intake which decreases stress on your heart tremendously.

6. Omega-3 are Heart’s Best Friend

The best sources of Omega-3 fats are salmon and other fatty fish are very good for your heart as they contain fatty acids of it.

They help decrease bad ‘LDL cholesterol’ while maintaining good ‘HDL cholesterol. 

Well, if you are a non-vegetarian or a vegan, you can also find omega-3 fats in walnuts and flax seeds.

7. Be Physically Active!

Managing your weight is key to ensuring your heart’s health. Putting on weight can add more stress on your heart which can cause problems if left unchecked.

Try to get 30 minutes of exercise, moderate or fast paced every single day you will not just lose weight, you will also strengthen your heart.

So, is it cycling, gymming, running, or sports? How are you getting your 30-minute exercise?

8. You NEED to CONTROL your Alcohol consumption NOW!

Excessive or regular alcohol intake can cause you to gain weight which adds stress to your heart limit.

You should try to limit your alcohol intake at the earliest and try to consume as little as you can.


We hope these more than 5 ways of keep your heart healthy must have appealed to your heart both emotionally as well physically.

In today’s world where everyone is extremely busy with establishing their career and finding ways to look after their family.

It’s also important to look after one’s health as it is rightly said, ‘Health is Wealth’!

So, take care of your heart’s health and start your journey toward a healthy life today on the auspicious WORLD HEART DAY!

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